
Learning at Pianuaria

Pianuaria is a learning space and learning community initiated and led by Tabea Hirzel.

Tabea Hirzel has a background in clinical psychology and music therapy, existential philosophy and international business relations.

At studio Pianuaria, Tabea Hirzel follows the humanist tradition and teaches music as a foundation for individual cognitive skills, psychological and physical strength and balance, as well as the experience of community and transcendence within a group.

Tabea develops specific courses that use the piano to teach concepts from standard curriculum, based on STEAM methodology and the 21st century classroom, which she combines on demand with immersive language learning, based on the CLIL approach.

Further, Tabea Hirzel offers adult training and coaching of professionals based on the idea that the piano is a tool to connect with emotions, make sense of things and give meaning to the world.

Do you want to explore the world through music and the piano? Would you like to combine other fields of learning, such as languages or science through music? Do you like to play around and make things differently?

Then, the virtual piano lessons for all ages that Tabea Hirzel offers at Pianuaria are your best choice. 


Learning by playing the piano

The piano has a unique place among music instruments. As a chordophone with keyboard it combines procedures from percussion and strings, but from its compositional tradition it also considers wind instruments in its large body of pieces written for pipe organs.  

Playing music in general, and the piano in concrete, has many benefits to develop skills and knowledge at any age.

Piano playing enhances our emotional connections, our psychological balance and improves our cognitive capacities, as much as our physical skills.

In more specific ways, it enhances mathematical and logical thinking, accellerates language learning and connects to a large field of topics and conceps in physics and chemistry.

The history of music is intimatly entangled with the human heritage, the arts, scientific developments and sociopolitical struggles. From the first pipe organs in Ancient Greek and Rome towards bag pipes, accordion and finally all sorts of stringed keyboards such as the harmonium, the claviharp, the harpischord, the clavichord and the dulcitone, the piano was the result of centuries of search for modulating and systematizing pitch, rythm and especialy force in music.


Learning for playing the piano

 Joyfully plaining an instrument is inspiring for learning in general. The more one knows about mathematics, physics, geography, history and culture, the more one can take out from playing the piano, and the better one understands what is played on the piano.

This background knowledge helps to improve performance and makes playing more joyful.

Learning to play the piano

Learning to play the piano must not be difficult. There is no special talent or specific intelect required to play the piano. Even very small children or people with mental divergences are able to play the piano and enjoy it. 

Against some myths, there is no need to half large fingers or to be of certain type of personality. Piano playing is for anybody.

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